Bagdad MilSim

Desert Conflict MilSim



You must register for this game on this page. Scroll down a bit to find the registration form.
You can choose from 3 factions. Each faction has its own specific outfit, so it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO READ THE GAME DESCRIPTION AND THE MANDATORY OUTFIT INFORMATION. Each player must register INDIVIDUALLY. The number of participants is constantly changing, so if you don't see a faction in the registration form below, it is likely full. In that case, inquire via WhatsApp at +36305171212.


Du musst dich für dieses Spiel auf dieser Seite registrieren. Scrolle ein wenig nach unten, um das Registrierungsformular zu finden.
Du kannst aus 3 Fraktionen wählen. Jede Fraktion hat ihre eigene spezifische Kleidung, daher ist es ÄUSSERST WICHTIG, DIE SPIELBESCHREIBUNG UND DIE INFORMATIONEN ZUR VERPFLICHTENDEN KLEIDUNG ZU LESEN. Jeder Spieler muss sich EINZELN registrieren. Die Teilnehmerzahl ändert sich ständig, daher kann es sein, dass eine Fraktion im Registrierungsformular unten nicht mehr verfügbar ist. In diesem Fall erkundige dich über WhatsApp unter +36305171212.


Za to igro se morate registrirati na tej strani. Pomaknite se nekoliko navzdol, da najdete prijavni obrazec.
Izbirate lahko med 3 frakcijami. Vsaka frakcija ima svojo specifično obleko, zato je IZJEMNO POMEMBNO, DA PREBERETE OPIS IGRE IN INFORMACIJE O OBVEZNI OBLEKI. Vsak igralec se mora PRIJAVITI POSAMEZNO. Število udeležencev se nenehno spreminja, zato, če določene frakcije ne najdete v spodnjem registracijskem obrazcu, je verjetno že polna. V tem primeru povprašajte prek WhatsApp-a na +36305171212.

Desert Conflict NFO

1. Story & Mission

In the heart of a war-torn desert city, three opposing factions clash for control, power, and survival. This dynamic airsoft scenario pits a regular military force, a private military company (PMC), and a rebel group against each other in a three-way battle for dominance.


  1. Royal Task Force (RTF) - Regular Army

  2. Black Viper PMC

  3. Al-Sahara Rebels


1. Royal Task Force (RTF) - Regular Army

Objective: Restore order, secure strategic locations, and neutralize both rebel and PMC forces.

Primary Missions:

  • Reclaim the Communications Tower: The rebels have taken control of the main communications tower, disrupting the RTF's signals. Reclaim and hold the tower to restore command control. Holding the tower grants points every 10 minutes.

  • Neutralize Leadership: Identify and eliminate key leaders from both the PMC and rebel factions. Each elimination grants significant points.

Secondary Missions:

  • Escort Supply Convoy: Protect the convoy carrying essential supplies through enemy territory. If the convoy reaches the base unharmed, it earns extra points.

  • Rescue Hostages: Rebel forces have captured RTF engineers. Identify and safely bring them back to base.

2. Black Viper PMC

Objective: Acquire high-value targets, disrupt military operations, and secure profitable deals with the highest bidder.

Primary Missions:

  • Capture the Weapons Depot: Intel suggests that the RTF is hiding a weapons depot in an abandoned factory. Capture and hold the depot until the weapons can be extracted. Every minute in control of the depot earns points.

  • Capture and Ransom Targets: Capture leaders from either the RTF or rebel factions and hold them for ransom. Each successful capture earns significant points, but the targets must be kept alive.

Secondary Missions:

  • Sabotage Supply Lines: Plant explosives along RTF supply routes to disrupt their operations. Each successful sabotage mission earns extra points.

  • Intelligence Gathering: Recover valuable documents containing the positions of both RTF and rebel forces. Delivering the intel to the PMC command earns additional points.

3. Al-Sahara Rebels

Objective: Expel foreign forces, disrupt enemy operations, and gain control over strategic areas within the city.

Primary Missions:

  • Capture the Market District: The market district is a key area for smuggling and supply routes. Capture and hold the district against attempts from the RTF and PMC forces.

  • Ambush VIP Convoy: The RTF is escorting a high-ranking officer through a critical zone. Set up an ambush, destroy the convoy, and capture the surviving VIP for ransom.

Secondary Missions:

  • Defend the Weapons Depot: PMC forces plan to raid a rebel weapons depot. Defend it at all costs. Holding the depot ensures continuous supplies.

  • Spread Propaganda: Deploy rebel propaganda by setting up signal boosters across the city. Each successfully placed booster increases morale and earns points.

Game Overview:

Each faction has unique primary and secondary missions that reflect their goals, requiring different strategies for success. Teams must balance offensive and defensive operations and exploit weaknesses in enemy lines to gain the upper hand.

2. Dress Code:

  • Royal Task Force (RTF): Standard military camo uniforms (Multicam, MARPAT, etc.), helmet or boonie hat required.

  • Black Viper PMC: Civilian clothing with tactical elements (jeans, solid color shirts, tactical vests), baseball cap or plain helmet (black, tan, olive).

  • Al-Sahara Rebels: Civilian or traditional rebel attire (shemaghs, scarves, white sheets, or improvised armor).

3. BB Limit and Magazine Rules:

  • Assault Rifles & Carbines: 200-300 BBs in real-cap, low-cap, or mid-cap magazines.

  • Sniper Rifles/DMRs: Max 120 BBs.

  • Support Weapons: Max 2000 BBs in a box magazine.

  • Handguns: Max 3 magazines.

4. Medic Rules:

  • Medic System: 2 dedicated medics per faction equipped with bandages and a 60-second stopwatch.

  • Healing: Medics can revive players in 60 seconds using bandages.

  • Bleed Out Time: 5 minutes bleed-out time; if no help is received, players must return to respawn.

  • Grenade Hits: Can be healed by medics.

  • Revival Limit: Each player can be revived twice per life.

This scenario offers an intense tactical challenge for all teams, requiring coordination, adaptability, and strategic thinking to claim victory in the chaotic desert city battlefield.

5. Extra Rules:

Organizer: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic)

Contact:, +36 30 517 1212
Date: October 27, 2024
Location: Molnaszecsőd, Arany Street
Minimum Participants: 30 players
Entry Fee: 5000 HUF (equipment rental +9000 HUF, total 9000 HUF)
Gate Opens: 08:00
Briefing: 09:30
Game Starts: 10:00
Gate Closes: 16:00
Ruleset: MASZ2015 + custom additions
Attire: Dress code
Style: Milsim
Required Equipment: Eye protection, hit marker, one good quality radio per team
Recommended Equipment: Face protection, enough water, spare batteries

Important Information:

  • Please play fairly and respectfully! Cheaters will be sent home and reported to the organizers.
  • Participants aged 16-18 can join with written parental consent.
  • Join our group via the following link: Facebook group

For Beginners:

Bring the following:

  • A 40x40 cm yellow or orange cloth (hit marker)
  • Appropriate clothing for a tough outdoor activity
  • Sturdy shoes or boots

We provide:

  • Replica (M4 or AK47) + enough BBs
  • Protective goggles and mask
  • Military cap
  • Tactical vest (women's version with front and back protector)
  • Laminated map

Mandatory Reading:

Please download the PDF version or read the briefing on our website. This is mandatory. The briefing at the event will only cover key points, and we will answer any questions. The briefing is always online, but it can be read on-site for those who missed it.
Briefing here: Briefing

We aim to ensure quality and fair organization. This partly depends on us, and partly on you. We will make every effort to enforce this, and not only locally, but on a regional level, any rule-breaking will be known.

Players will be sent home from the event if they:

  • Fail to follow the rules and the briefing instructions.
  • Disrupt the game and others with loud cursing or behavior.
  • Cause fights and constantly complain about their teammates.
  • Cheat repeatedly and fail to acknowledge hits.
  • Cause damage to their environment (buildings, trees, animals).
  • Use alcohol or other substances.

Please arrive rested, physically fit, and ready to play!


14-16 years old with a parent or guardian present. 16-18 years old with written parental consent. The event will be held even in bad weather!


We can provide equipment for 20 players. So, bring your friends and spread the word about airsoft!

Beginner Players:

Come and try airsoft! Our goal is to open the doors to the Hungarian Airsoft Community at our Molnaszecsőd field, with proper conditions, training, and support. If you don't have equipment or weapons, please sign up for the rental module so we can prepare the necessary gear for you.