Easy Base Operation AU/SLO/HUN 31/08/2024
Current headcount (updated every 24 hours)
Aktuelle Mitarbeiterzahl (alle 24 Stunden aktualisiert)
Trenutačni broj zaposlenika (ažurira se svakih 24 sata)
1. Event Organizer: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic)
Contact: easybaseairsoft@gmail.com and +36305171212
Date: 31/08/2024
Location: Molnaszecsőd, Arany Street
Minimum Participants: 20players
Entrance Fee: 15euro
Gate Opens: 08:00 AM
Start Time (Briefing): 09:15 AM
Gate Closes: 04:00 PM
Rule System: ENG DE
Attire: Color-coded (please bring both blue and red armbands)
Game Style: Two-team objective-based
Mandatory Equipment: Eye protection, hit indicators, one high-quality radio per team
Recommended Equipment: Face protection, an ample supply of water, spare batteries
We aim to provide a quality and fair organization for our events. The success of this endeavor depends partly on us and partly on YOU.
On the game day, players will be sent home who:
Are unable to adhere to the rules and regulations mentioned above, as well as instructions given during the briefing.
Disrupt the game and others with their loud swearing and behavior.
Incite quarrels and constantly complain about their teammates.
Deliberately cheat by not acknowledging hits even after multiple occurrences.
Cause damage to the environment intentionally, whether it be structures, trees, or wildlife.
Use any form of alcohol, mind-altering substances, or hallucinogenic concoctions.
Please come to the game in a clean, well-rested, and physically fit condition.
Age Requirement: 16-18 with written parental consent.
The game will be held even in unfavorable weather conditions.
2. Game mode
coming soon
On the field, you can choose from 4 respawn points, and a medic system will be in place! Each player can be medic'd twice by their own teammates. The medic time is 60 seconds + bandage! Please bring enough white bandages with you!
Veranstalter: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic)
Kontakt: easybaseairsoft@gmail.com und +36305171212
Datum: 31/08/2024
Ort: Molnaszecsőd, Arany Straße
Mindestteilnehmer: 20 Spieler
Eintritt: 15 Euro
Tor öffnet: 08:00 Uhr
Startzeit (Briefing): 09:15 Uhr
Tor schließt: 16:00 Uhr
Kleidung: Farbcodiert (bitte bringen Sie sowohl blaue als auch rote Armbinden mit)
Spielstil: Zwei-Team-Objektiv-basiert
Pflichtausrüstung: Augenschutz, Trefferanzeigen, ein hochwertiges Funkgerät pro Team
Empfohlene Ausrüstung: Gesichtsschutz, ausreichend Wasser, Ersatzbatterien
Wir wollen eine qualitativ hochwertige und faire Organisation für unsere Veranstaltungen bieten. Der Erfolg dieses Vorhabens hängt teilweise von uns und teilweise von IHNEN ab.
Am Spieltag werden Spieler nach Hause geschickt, die:
- Nicht in der Lage sind, sich an die oben genannten Regeln und Vorschriften sowie an die Anweisungen während des Briefings zu halten.
- Das Spiel und andere mit ihrem lauten Fluchen und Verhalten stören.
- Streitigkeiten schüren und ständig über ihre Teamkollegen klagen.
- Absichtlich betrügen, indem sie Treffer nicht anerkennen, selbst nach mehreren Vorkommnissen.
- Absichtlich Schäden an der Umwelt verursachen, sei es an Gebäuden, Bäumen oder der Tierwelt.
- Irgendeine Form von Alkohol, bewusstseinsverändernden Substanzen oder halluzinogenen Mischungen verwenden.
Bitte kommen Sie sauber, ausgeruht und körperlich fit zum Spiel.
Altersanforderung: 16-18 Jahre mit schriftlicher elterlicher Einwilligung.
Das Spiel findet auch bei ungünstigen Wetterbedingungen statt.
Event Organizer: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic)
Contact: easybaseairsoft@gmail.com and +36305171212
Date: 31/08/2024
Location: Molnaszecsőd, Arany Street
Minimum Participants: 20players
Entrance Fee: 15euro
Gate Opens: 08:00 AM
Start Time (Briefing): 09:15 AM
Gate Closes: 04:00 PM
Attire: Color-coded (please bring both blue and red armbands)
Game Style: Two-team objective-based
Mandatory Equipment: Eye protection, hit indicators, one high-quality radio per team.
medical white bandage cut into 20-30 centimeter pieces.
Red/Blue armband (armband)
Recommended Equipment: Face protection, an ample supply of water, spare batteries
We aim to provide a quality and fair organization for our events. The success of this endeavor depends partly on us and partly on YOU.
On the game day, players will be sent home who:
Are unable to adhere to the rules and regulations mentioned above, as well as instructions given during the briefing.
Disrupt the game and others with their loud swearing and behavior.
Incite quarrels and constantly complain about their teammates.
Deliberately cheat by not acknowledging hits even after multiple occurrences.
Cause damage to the environment intentionally, whether it be structures, trees, or wildlife.
Use any form of alcohol, mind-altering substances, or hallucinogenic concoctions.
Please come to the game in a clean, well-rested, and physically fit condition.
Age Requirement: 16-18 with written parental consent.
The game will be held even in unfavorable weather conditions.
Organizator događanja: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic)
Kontakt: easybaseairsoft@gmail.com i +36305171212
Datum: 31/08/2024
Lokacija: Molnaszecsőd, Arany ulica
Minimalan broj sudionika: 20 igrača
Cijena ulaznice: 15 eura
Otvaranje vrata: 08:00
Početak (brifing): 09:15
Zatvaranje vrata: 16:00
Odjeća: Boje označene (molimo donesite i plave i crvene trake za ruku)
Stil igre: Cilj s dvije momčadi
Obavezna oprema: Zaštita za oči, indikatori pogodaka, jedan visokokvalitetni radio po timu
Preporučena oprema: Zaštita lica, dovoljno vode, rezervne baterije
Cilj nam je pružiti kvalitetnu i fer organizaciju za naša događanja. Uspjeh ove namjere ovisi djelomično o nama, a djelomično o VAMA.
Na dan igre, igrači će biti poslani kući ako:
- Nisu u mogućnosti pridržavati se gore navedenih pravila i propisa, kao i uputa danih tijekom brifinga.
- Remete igru i druge svojim glasnim psovanjem i ponašanjem.
- Potiču svađe i konstantno se žale na svoje suigrače.
- Namjerno varaju ne priznajući pogotke čak i nakon višestrukih pojava.
- Namjerno uzrokuju štetu okolišu, bilo da se radi o strukturama, drveću ili divljini.
- Koriste bilo koji oblik alkohola, supstanci koje mijenjaju svijest ili halucinogenih mješavina.
Molimo dođite na igru čisti, odmorni i fizički spremni.
Dobna granica: 16-18 godina uz pisanu suglasnost roditelja.
Igra će se održati čak i u nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima.